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학력사항 한양대학교 의학과 졸업 (2003) 카톨릭대학교내과학 박사(2013) |
경력사항 한양대학교병원 인턴 (2004) 카톨릭중앙의료원 내과 레지던트 ( 2005~2009) 카톨릭대학교 성모병원 내과(혈액내과) 임상강사 (2009~2013) 카톨릭대학교 성모병원 내과(혈액내과) 임상조교수 (2013~2016) 카톨릭대학교 성모병원 내과(혈액내과) 조교수 (2016~2018) MD Anderson cancer center,Postdoctoral Fellow (2018~2019) 카톨릭대학교 성모병원 내과(혈액내과) 부교수 (2018~현재) 대한혈액학회정회원 (현재) 대한조혈모세포이식학회정회원 (현재) 대한내과학회정회원 (현재) 대한의사협회정회원 (현재) 대한혈액학회 과학위원(현재) 대한혈액학회 MPN실무당 간사(현재) |
주요 연구물 1. Lee SE, Min GJ, Park SS, et al. Outcomes of Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation using Total Body Irradiation (600 cGy) and Fludarabine with Antithymocyte Globulin in Adult Patients with Severe Aplastic Anemia: A Prospective Phase II Study. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020;26(10):1906-1914. 2. Lee S-E, Wang F, Trujillo-Ocampo A, et al. Fidelity of peripheral blood for monitoring genomics and tumor immune-microenvironment in myelodysplastic syndromes. eJHaem 2020;1(2):552-557. 3. Lee SE, Hyun Kong J, Kim SH, et al. Change of right ventricular systolic pressure can indicate dasatinib-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in chronic myeloid leukemia. Cancer Med. 2021;10(5):1515-1524. 4. Lee SE, Lee JW. Safety of current treatments for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2021;20(2):171-179. 5. Lee SE, Lim JY, Ryu DB, et al. Alteration of the intestinal microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotic use correlates with the occurrence of intestinal graft-versus-host disease. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2019; 25(10):1933-1943 6. Lee SE, Lim JY, Kim TW, et al. Different role of circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells in patients with multiple myeloma undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation. J Immunother Cancer 2019; 7(1):35-47. 7. Lee SE, Park SS, Jeon YW, et al. Optimal conditioning regimen for haplo-identical stem cell transplantation in adult patients with acquired severe aplastic anemia: Prospective de-escalation study of TBI and ATG dose. Am J Hematol 2018; 93(11):1368-1375. 8. Lee SE, Jeon YW, Yoon JH, et al. Effectiveness of darbepoetin alfa in multiple myeloma patients receiving chemotherapy including novel agents. Blood Res 2018;53(2):123-129. 9. Lee SE, Lim JY, Ryu DB, et al. Low frequency of CD3+CD4+CD161+ T cells correlates with the occurrence of infections in refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma patients receiving lenalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone treatment. Ann Hematol 2018; 97(11):2163-2171. 10. Lee SE, Choi SY, Kim SH, et al. Comparative analyses of nilotinib versus high-dose imatinib versus sustained standard-dose imatinib in patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia following suboptimal molecular response to first-line imatinib. Leuk Res 2018;[Epub ahead of print] 11. Lee SE, Lee JY, Han AR, et al. Effect of High VEGF-C mRNA Expression on Achievement of Complete Remission in Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Transl Oncol 2018; 11(3):567-574. 12. Lee SE, Lim JY, Ryu DB, et al. Circulating CD3+CD4+CD161+ Cells Are Associated with Early Complications after Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma. Biomed Res Int 2018; [Epub ahead of print]. 13. Jung SH, Lee SE, Lee M, et al. Circulating microRNA expressions can predict the outcome of lenalidomide plus low-dose dexamethasone treatment in patients with refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2017;102(11):e456-e459. (Jung SH and Lee SE equally contributed in this study.) 14. Lee SE, Lim JY, Kim TW, et al. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Monocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Correlate with Early Infections and Clinical Outcomes in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018;24(1):32-42. (Lee SE and Lim JY equally contributed in this study.) 15. Batsukh K, Lee SE, Min GJ, et al. Distinct Clinical Outcomes between Paramedullary and Extramedullary Lesions in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma. Immune Netw. 2017;17(4):250-260. (Corresponding author) 16. Lee SE, Park SS, Jeon YW, et al. Outcomes of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria with or without aplastic anemia. Eur J Haematol. 2017;99(4):336-343. 17. Lee SE, Choi K, Han S, et al. Bortezomib pharmacokinetics in tumor response and peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma patients receiving bortezomib-containing therapy. Anticancer Drugs. 2017;28(6):660-668. 18. Lee SE, Choi SY, Kim SH, et al. Baseline BCR-ABL1 transcript type of e13a2 and large spleen size are predictors of poor long-term outcomes in chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia patients who failed to achieve an early molecular response after 3 months of imatinib therapy. Leuk Lymphoma. 2018;59(1):105-113 |